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How to password protect a PDF file

  1. Upload PDF file to protect with a password using 256-bit AES encryption.
  2. Enter a strong password to lock your PDF document. Set viewing and editing permissions if required.
  3. Click Protect PDF button, wait a few seconds, and your secured files will be ready to download.

Protect PDF with password for free

Sometimes it's necessary to limit access to a PDF for most users and allow only those who know the password. With our PDF Protector, you can restrict PDF viewing, printing, and editing.

Uncompromised encryption

We provide a reliable PDF encryption service that ensures the highest security level. Encrypt your PDF files using 256-bit AES encryption to prevent anyone opening your PDFs without a password. There is no way to brute-force or reverse engineer the password.

Top security is our mission

We are concerned about the privacy and security of our users' files, especially when we are talking about file protection. Therefore, we make sure that users set strong passwords, and we automatically delete files after each conversion.

Easy to use every day

We build tools for everyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, manager, or software engineer - everyone can use our software easily. We invest a lot to provide the best user experiences to all of you.

Lock PDF using Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android

FreePDFConvert is online software, so all main platforms are supported. Locking PDF has never been easier and more accessible than it is now with our free online PDF Converter.

Plenty of PDF tools

We provide much more online PDF tools: PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, file compressor, page remover, and many other tools to help in your everyday work.

PDF conversion guides

Learn how to protect your sensitive information inside PDF files by setting a password or limiting specific options like disabling printing.

PDFs are usually read-only, but they can still be modified if the recipient has specific editing software, so when you send or share a PDF document, you might want to protect it from that or even ask for a password before opening the file. How to do it?

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