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How to archive PDF to PDF/A in three simple steps

  1. Upload the document that you want to archive for a long term preservation
  2. Select your preferred PDF/A standard: PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b or PDF/A-3b
  3. Click the Convert button. Your document will be ready to download in seconds!

The ultimate PDF to PDF/A document converter

Convert your PDFs to PDF/A format for storage to ensure they can be reproduced and printed using various tools in the years ahead.

The ISO-standardized version of the PDF

Choose the right type for your PDF/A. Our converter supports the most common PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b and PDF/A-3b conformance levels.

Additional tools for document archiving

Once you got your PDF/A ready, you can compress it as well as protect it with a password to add an extra layer of security.

Platform independent PDF tools

You can use our suite of PDF tools on any device - a laptop, tablet, or even on a phone with no installation required! Keep our handy toolkit ready anywhere, anytime.

Numerous useful tools in one place

Anything you want to do with your PDFs - we got it covered. Besides the PDF/A converter, we provide many more document conversion and manipulation tools.

Reduce your work-time to a minimum

Our tools are all about your productivity. We keep everything simple and robust - no more redundant steps and clumsy mazes. You will achieve everything in just a few simple clicks.

Work more productive
  • Faster conversions
  • Unlimited conversions
  • Unlimited file size
  • Advanced features

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  • Faster conversions
  • Unlimited conversions
  • Unlimited file size
  • Advanced features
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You need the PRO version to use the full functionality of the PDF Converter.

  • Faster conversions
  • Unlimited conversions
  • Unlimited file size
  • Advanced features
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