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How to repair a PDF

  1. Upload the PDF file or drag the document into the browser window.
  2. Please wait a few seconds until our PDF repair converter does its job.
  3. PDF repair is complete! You can download your fixed PDF document now.

Free PDF repairer

Our PDF Converter is incredibly easy to use and completely secure. The best part is that it's free and works seamlessly on all modern devices. Give it a try today and see for yourself!

Faites-en plus avec votre fichier PDF

It's not only about PDF repair - No matter what you need to do with your PDF, we provide many tools to help you get the job done quickly and easily.

Safety first

We take great care in protecting your details and files, and we never share them with anyone. Furthermore, we use 256-bit SSL Encryption to ensure that all uploaded files are secure.

Simplest way to repair a PDF

To repair your PDF document, simply upload the file and wait for our tool to repair it. Once you're done, you can download the converted document with ease. Even scanned PDF pages can be edited using this method!

Modifier les PDF sur n'importe quel appareil

With our simple and user-friendly tools, anyone can quickly and easily repair and convert PDF documents with just a few clicks. Our tools are designed to work seamlessly on all modern devices!

Files are deleted automatically

Rest assured that we value your privacy. We want you to feel safe and secure when using our service, which is why we delete all converted files almost immediately after completing the repair process.

Un travail plus productif
  • Des conversions plus rapides
  • Conversions illimitées
  • Taille de fichier illimitée
  • Fonctions avancées

Veuillez patienter ou vous inscrire pour convertir le prochain fichier.

  • Des conversions plus rapides
  • Conversions illimitées
  • Taille de fichier illimitée
  • Fonctions avancées
Veuillez vous inscrire

Vous avez besoin de la version PRO pour utiliser toutes les fonctionnalités du convertisseur PDF.

  • Des conversions plus rapides
  • Conversions illimitées
  • Taille de fichier illimitée
  • Fonctions avancées
Continuez à utiliser la gratuité